
Cheryl Chung
Summer Intern 2014 (HKUST)“Being a full-time intern at Premiere Performances of Hong Kong for more than two months last summer was an eye-opening experience for me. It served as a good starting point for my future career in arts administration fields as it provided me insights for working behind the scenes in the perspective of an administrator rather than a musician…
In a relatively small-scaled organisation and a transparent workplace, I was exposed to a variety of projects going on and was able to pick up tasks that interest me or conduct simple research. Though not being assigned to a particular supervisor or mentor, all my colleagues were very helpful in guiding me through my jobs and advised me on my career.
Upon the conclusion of my internship period. I came to realise that inviting artists and securing venues are merely the primary steps of organising a concert. I was fortunate enough to take part in meetings, in which I learnt about strategic plans, brand building and logistics of the organisation, and observed important decision-making processes.”

Rudy Wong
Part-time Intern, Fall 2014“As an intern, I was fortunate enough to learn about the ins-and-outs of running a concert and even a festival, including securing venues (front desk and back stage stuff), developing marketing materials (promotion strategies and promotional stuff), among many other important components involved in putting on a musical event.
The exposure I got during my time at Premiere Performances allowed me to be able to see what it takes in order to run a large-scale festival, including sponsors, venues, artists and programmes…I gained lots of experience to see how an arts organisation markets and present concerts to the local market…
Although the internship period was quite short (one semester only), it was a precious learning experience to watch Premiere Performances’ team to work on strategizing about the future of Premiere Performances in order to bring even more innovative programmes and events to the city…I was able to gain very valuable experience from working in such an open environment.”

Lo Yim Kwan
Part-time intern, 2013-14“I really enjoyed my internship at Premiere Performances. The staff there makes the work place really enjoyable. Working with Premiere Performances was an amazing experience. I learnt a lot of skills I previously did not have which is a great benefit towards my future career and life in general. I gained firsthand experience on how an NGO operates successfully. I had an opportunity to get involved with a variety of tasks.
My time at Premiere Performances as an intern has been highly enjoyable and valuable, and exceeded my expectations. I relish being an integral part of the team. There is a great atmosphere within the office and everyone is really friendly.”

Kathryn Peterson
Summer intern 2012“Last summer, I was fortunate enough to partake in an internship with Premiere Performances of Hong Kong, a registered non-profit organization dedicated to increasing the cultural life of Hong Kong. I truly enjoyed my time as a part of PPHK’s team and would highly recommend volunteering for this wonderful organization.
As a summer intern, I was fortunate enough to learn about the ins-and-outs of running a festival, including cultivating donor relationships, securing venues, developing marketing materials, among many other important components involved in putting on a musical event. The exposure I got during my time at PPHK allowed me to really be able to see what all goes into putting on a large festival. The events were so stimulating that I was even inspired to start my own chamber music festival when I returned to the United States! ….
The PPHK team made me feel right at home in their office. Everyone was extremely friendly and very willing to help me get the most out of the internship that I possible could. They encouraged me to ask questions and in return, I was able to gain very valuable experience from working in such an open environment. I highly recommend interning at PPHK!”